Chamber of Commerce Events

Rendezvous Days
Rendezvous Days is generally held the last full weekend in April. This community wide event hosts events such as the Black Powder Shoot, Village Vendors, Glacier Bank Gold Rush, the parade, mud bogs, community play and much more! Click here to learn more about Rendezvous Days.

Farmers Market
The Farmer's Market is held annually from May to September on Wednesday afternoons in Memorial Park (next to Montana Market). Follow the Eureka MT Farmers Market Facebook page to stay up to date each week! Click here to learn more about the Farmers Market.

Golf Tournaments
Annually the Chamber hosts a golf tournament at one of our member golf courses. This year we are going big by hosting three tournaments between Indian Springs Ranch and Jerry's Saloon. Advertising opportunities by sponsoring a hole or sign up to play, click here to learn more!